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Wellness Coaching
Wellness Coaching

Wellness Coaching

Do you feel like your health, energy and body are slipping away from you as you age?
Is feeling depleted getting in the way of your relationships, time with your children and things you love to do?  If you are ready to make a change but feel overwhelmed with where to start, our Wellness Coaching Program may be for you. It will put the locus of control with you and help you to create a sustainable path for long term success.

I often hear people remark that it is 'age' that is at the crux of their health struggle, mistakenly believing that getting older sends us down a path that we don't have any control over. 

While age does play a role in our health, often it is more importantly the accumulation of daily choices that we make that are contributing to the quality of our health. Factors such as:

    •    basic nutrition to create an environment for healthy hormones and gut microbiome;

   •    quality sleep to help maximize our brain and body's ability to detox and restore;

   •    regular movement and hydration to facilitate optimal function of our systems;

   •    connection, mindfullness and purpose to help modulate stress reslience, optimize our immune function and supercharge our health

Simple lifestyle choices support our gut, brain, hormonal and immune health which translate to more
energy and vitality

While there are many avenues to choose from to address your health, industry experts are trained to view solutions through a narrow lens, from within their wheelhouse. In our Wellness Coaching program we take a broad, unbiased view, to help you select the best health tools for you. As a skilled, neutral advisor, we fiercely support your vision, helping you to build momentum quickly to bring better health within your grasp. 


Solutions don't need to be complex. Simple, sustainable bio-hacks and creative strategies to support consistent habit changes can yield a BIG impact. Often symptoms improve significantly when you deal with your basic health. But if healthy habits don't eradicate what you want it to, it sets a strong foundation for any other steps that you layer on. 


 We offer 2 programs; a 6 session/12 week program or a 12 session/24 week program that meets you where you are at. These are private coaching sessions that will tap into your inner wisdom, addressing key elements of health and including tools, resources and support for your journey.
Are you ready to reclaim your health? 

Book our complimentary Strategy Call to see if our Wellness Coaching Program can help you Find Your Sublime.






Are you struggling with aches or pains that are limiting you from doing what you love? I often hear people remark that it is 'age' that is causing their pain or condition. 


My goal is to dispel this myth that age sends us on a trajectory that we don't have control over.


While age does play a role in changes to our structures and tissues, these changes are not a good predictor of how someone feels or what they can do. The mechanism of persistent pain, is often unclear. This is in part because there are many potential modulators of pain. In other words, there are so many different things that could be contributing to an over sensitive pain response. The good news with this however, is that we have some control over these potential modulating factors. Some lesser, widely known contributing factors include our gut microbiome, hormones and how our nervous system impacts inflammation. So, while we still have so much to learn about persistent pain, leading experts on pain will generally agree that 'your structure doesn't determine your destiny'*. Best evidence suggests that meaningful, enjoyable exercise is at the crux of good health.

Link HERE to an accessible article that touches on factors in joint pain as well as the risks of drugs and injections. 


So, what are alternatives to medications and injections? Regular, varied movement. Participating in activities that you enjoy and find meaningful is a great start to changing your pain. 


Pilates is an effective whole body workout. It strengthens, defines and sculpts your body for appropriate muscle strength and mobility. Pilates provides the framework for our  programming; however, it is just one element of our programs. At Kingsway Pilates we are always integrating current research and elements of  different health modalities to make exercise fun and accessible for every fitness level. To this end, we also partner with other local health professionals  for a rich network of resources.


Private sessions are either available virtually or in the comfort of your own home and integrate a range of accessories and props to provide challenges in different planes of movement to vary the level of intensity and focus. Taking inspiration from functional activities or personal goals and using a variety of props for everything from delivering challenge for sport specific movements to accommodating specific therapeutic needs by replicating daily functional activities. 

Movement is integral to our overall health and wellness and variety is the key to creating a strong and resilient body. A customized approach can make the difference if you are struggling with your health or pain.  


Are you ready for a change that extends beyond the studio walls? 


CONNECT WITH ME to discuss whether our private sessions are a good fit for you. 








Are you looking to transform learning, increase focus and productivity, collaboration and engagement in your organization or school? Contact us to learn the benefits of flexible spaces and the power of integrating movement into your day. 



              To learn more about the benefits of adding movement into the classroom, check our flexible seating pamplet                or click here to watch this flexible seating video. 


Flexible Learning - Schools



Is Your School or Oganization looking to transform Learning and Performance? CONNECT WITH ME to learn more about how you can use flexible spaces to maximise potential or check out our Flexible Seating Pamplet.






Are you looking for a new way to access better health? CONNECT WITH ME if you are looking for small group workshops for simple, integrative self-care strategies. â€‹

Restore Your Core and Pelvic Floor - THIS WORKSHOP IS CLOSED

Do have have pelvic pain, diastasis recti, a hernia or stress incontinence?

If you have any of these conditions, this small group workshop will give you a new perspective on your core and pelvic floor and provide simple strategies to help gently restore core and pelvic floor health.

The workshop on May 3rd is FULL. Please contact us if you are interested in the next workshop OR if you want to host one!


Diastasis Recti (Mummy Tummy or a Separation of abdominals) - This workshop is CLOSED

After having your baby, does your tummy have a doming effect that you suspect is a Diastsis Recti (also referred to as mummy tummy or a separation of the abdominals)?

If so, join me in conjuction with Trilogy Physiotherapy in the Kingsway on March 26th from 7-9pm for a free workshop as part of a study on simple exercises to help help restore your core.

Did you know that Diastasis Recti effects 1 in 4 pregnant women and can impact pelvic, hip and back health? Get the latest information on this condition from a recent consensus of Canada's leading pelvic health Physiotherapists.


For more information email me at to sign up. Space is limited.



Optimize Birth - ​This workshop is CLOSED

Are you pregnant and interested in learning strategies to help minimize pain and optimize your birth? 

Join me in conjunction with McMaster University at Trilogy Physiotherapy on March 21st from 7-9 pm for a FREE workshop that will teach you simple strategies to tap into your natural pharmacy to reduce pain for an optimal labour and birth. 

For more information feel free to email me at to sign up. Space is limited.

Our Workshops

Flexible Learning - Schools
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