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Kenny Hardy

Dota 7.90 Ai Map __FULL__

How to Download and Play Dota 7.90 AI Map: A Complete Guide

Dota 7.90 AI Map is a custom map for the popular multiplayer online battle arena game Dota 2. It allows players to play against computer-controlled opponents with various levels of difficulty and settings. It is a great way to practice and improve your skills, test new strategies and heroes, or just have fun without worrying about internet connection or other players.

dota 7.90 ai map

In this article, we will show you how to download and play Dota 7.90 AI Map step by step. We will also explain what are the features and benefits of this map, and how to customize it to suit your preferences and goals.

How to Download Dota 7.90 AI Map

The first thing you need to do is to download the Dota 7.90 AI Map file from a reliable source. You can find it on various websites and forums dedicated to Dota 2 custom maps, such as or Make sure you download the latest version of the map, which is currently 7.90c.

The file name should be something like "DotA_Allstars_7.90c_AI.w3x". It is a Warcraft III map file that can be opened by Dota 2. The file size should be around 50 MB.

Once you have downloaded the file, you need to move it to the correct folder on your computer. The folder location depends on your operating system and where you installed Dota 2. Here are some common examples:

  • Windows: C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\dota 2 beta\game\dota\maps

  • Mac: /Users//Library/Application Support/Steam/steamapps/common/dota 2 beta/game/dota/maps

  • Linux: /.steam/steam/steamapps/common/dota 2 beta/game/dota/maps

If you cannot find the folder, you can search for it using the Windows Explorer, Finder, or File Manager. Alternatively, you can right-click on Dota 2 in your Steam library, select Properties, then Local Files, then Browse Local Files. This will open the folder where Dota 2 is installed.

Once you have located the folder, simply drag and drop the Dota 7.90 AI Map file into it. You may need to overwrite an existing file with the same name if you have downloaded a previous version of the map before.

How to Play Dota 7.90 AI Map

Now that you have downloaded and installed the Dota 7.90 AI Map, you are ready to play it. To do so, follow these steps:

  • Launch Dota 2 from Steam as usual.

  • On the main menu, click on Play Dota, then Custom Games.

  • On the Custom Games tab, click on Create Lobby.

  • On the Create Lobby screen, click on Game Mode and select Custom Game Lobby from the drop-down menu.

  • On the Custom Game Lobby screen, click on Select Custom Game and choose DotA Allstars from the list of available custom games.

  • You should see the Dota 7.90 AI Map thumbnail on the right side of the screen. Click on it to select it.

  • You can now invite your friends to join your lobby by clicking on Invite Friends or Invite from Chat on the bottom left corner of the screen. You can also join a public lobby by clicking on Find Public Lobby on the bottom right corner of the screen.

  • Once you have enough players in your lobby (at least two), you can start the game by clicking on Start Game on the bottom right corner of the screen.

  • You will then be taken to the hero selection screen, where you can choose your hero and team as usual. You can also change some settings by clicking on Options on the top right corner of the screen.

  • After everyone has picked their heroes, the game will begin and you can enjoy playing Dota 7.90 AI Map!

What are the Features and Benefits of Dota 7.90 AI Map

Dota 7.90 AI Map is not just a regular custom map. It has many features and benefits that make it a unique and enjoyable experience for Dota 2 players. Here are some of them:

  • It has 112 heroes to choose from, including the latest ones such as Hoodwink, Dawnbreaker, and Void Spirit. You can also play with some classic heroes that are no longer available in the official game, such as Gambler, Old Invoker, and Old Morphling.

  • It has 12 different AI difficulty levels to suit your skill level and challenge. You can also adjust the AI behavior and settings by using various commands and cheats. For example, you can make the AI more aggressive, passive, smart, or dumb.

  • It has a lot of custom items and recipes that are not found in the official game. You can experiment with different combinations and strategies to enhance your hero's power and performance. Some examples of custom items are Divine Rapier 2, Aghanim's Blessing, and Refresher Shard.

  • It has a lot of fun modes and options that you can activate to spice up your game. You can play with random heroes, random abilities, all mid, all random deathmatch, reverse draft, and more. You can also enable some cheats such as gold, level up, spawn creeps, and more.

  • It has a lot of bug fixes and improvements that make the game more stable and balanced. You can enjoy playing without worrying about crashes, glitches, or exploits. The map is also updated regularly to keep up with the official game patches and changes.

How to Customize Dota 7.90 AI Map

Dota 7.90 AI Map is very flexible and customizable. You can change many aspects of the game to suit your preferences and goals. Here are some ways to customize it:

  • You can change the game mode by using the -ap (all pick), -ar (all random), -sd (single draft), -rd (random draft), -cm (captain's mode), or -cd (captain's draft) commands before the game starts.

  • You can change the AI difficulty by using the -easy, -normal, -hard, -unfair, or -insane commands before the game starts. You can also use the -fun command to make the AI more unpredictable and fun.

  • You can change the AI behavior by using the -aa (auto attack), -ab (auto buy), -as (auto skill), -al (auto lane), or -am (auto move) commands during the game. You can also use the -pe (passive enemies), -ae (aggressive enemies), -se (smart enemies), or -de (dumb enemies) commands to modify the AI intelligence.

  • You can change the game settings by using the -wtf (no cooldowns or mana costs), -dm (death match), -du (duplicate heroes), -sp (super power), or -sc (super creeps) commands during the game. You can also use the -omg (random abilities) or -ra (reverse abilities) commands to mix up the hero abilities.

  • You can use cheats by typing them in the chat box during the game. Some examples of cheats are -gold , -lvlup , -respawn, -killall, -spawncreeps, and more. You can also use -test to enable all cheats at once.

These are just some of the ways to customize Dota 7.90 AI Map. You can find more commands and cheats by typing -help in the chat box during the game.

How to Improve Your Skills with Dota 7.90 AI Map

Dota 7.90 AI Map is not only a fun and entertaining custom map, but also a useful and effective tool to improve your skills and knowledge of Dota 2. Here are some tips on how to use it to your advantage:

  • You can practice and master any hero you want by playing against the AI. You can learn their abilities, strengths, weaknesses, combos, counters, and more. You can also try different builds and items to optimize your hero's performance.

  • You can experiment and test any strategy or tactic you want by playing with the AI. You can try different lane compositions, team fights, ganks, pushes, roshans, and more. You can also adjust the AI difficulty and behavior to simulate different scenarios and situations.

  • You can learn and improve your basic skills such as last hitting, denying, farming, warding, map awareness, positioning, timing, and more by playing with the AI. You can also use the cheats and commands to practice specific aspects of the game such as rune control, creep stacking, item usage, and more.

  • You can have fun and relax by playing with the AI. You can enjoy the game without worrying about toxic players, lag, or losing. You can also play with your friends or random players online to have a friendly and casual match.

Dota 7.90 AI Map is a great way to practice and improve your skills with Dota 2. You can use it to learn new things, refine your existing skills, or just have fun.


Dota 7.90 AI Map is a custom map for Dota 2 that allows you to play against computer-controlled opponents with various levels of difficulty and settings. It has many features and benefits that make it a unique and enjoyable experience for Dota 2 players. It is also a useful and effective tool to improve your skills and knowledge of Dota 2.

In this article, we have shown you how to download and play Dota 7.90 AI Map step by step. We have also explained what are the features and benefits of this map, and how to customize it to suit your preferences and goals. Finally, we have given you some tips on how to use it to improve your skills with Dota 2.

We hope you have found this article helpful and informative. If you have any questions or feedback, please feel free to leave a comment below. Thank you for reading!

Dota 7.90 AI Map: The Best Way to Practice and Improve Your Skills

Dota 2 is a complex and competitive game that requires a lot of skill and knowledge to play well. Whether you are a beginner or a veteran, there is always room for improvement and learning. However, sometimes it can be hard to find the right environment and opportunity to practice and improve your skills. That's where Dota 7.90 AI Map comes in handy.

Dota 7.90 AI Map is a custom map for Dota 2 that allows you to play against computer-controlled opponents with various levels of difficulty and settings. It is a great way to practice and improve your skills with Dota 2, as well as to have fun and relax. In this article, we will tell you why Dota 7.90 AI Map is the best way to practice and improve your skills, and how to use it effectively.

Why Dota 7.90 AI Map is the Best Way to Practice and Improve Your Skills

Dota 7.90 AI Map has many advantages and benefits that make it the best way to practice and improve your skills with Dota 2. Here are some of them:

  • It has a wide range of heroes to choose from, including the latest ones such as Hoodwink, Dawnbreaker, and Void Spirit. You can also play with some classic heroes that are no longer available in the official game, such as Gambler, Old Invoker, and Old Morphling. You can practice and master any hero you want by playing against the AI.

  • It has a variety of AI difficulty levels to suit your skill level and challenge. You can also adjust the AI behavior and settings by using various commands and cheats. For example, you can make the AI more aggressive, passive, smart, or dumb. You can experiment and test any strategy or tactic you want by playing with the AI.

  • It has a lot of custom items and recipes that are not found in the official game. You can experiment with different combinations and strategies to enhance your hero's power and performance. Some examples of custom items are Divine Rapier 2, Aghanim's Blessing, and Refresher Shard.

  • It has a lot of fun modes and options that you can activate to spice up your game. You can play with random heroes, random abilities, all mid, all random deathmatch, reverse draft, and more. You can also enable some cheats such as gold, level up, spawn creeps, and more.

  • It has a lot of bug fixes and improvements that make the game more stable and balanced. You can enjoy playing without worrying about crashes, glitches, or exploits. The map is also updated regularly to keep up with the official game patches and changes.

  • It has a friendly and casual atmosphere that allows you to have fun and relax. You can play without worrying about toxic players, lag, or losing. You can also play with your friends or random players online to have a social and cooperative match.

Dota 7.90 AI Map is the best way to practice and improve your skills with Dota 2 because it offers you a lot of features and benefits that make it a unique and enjoyable experience.

How to Use Dota 7.90 AI Map Effectively

Dota 7.90 AI Map is not only a fun and entertaining custom map, but also a useful and effective tool to improve your skills and knowledge of Dota 2. However, you need to use it properly and wisely to get the most out of it. Here are some tips on how to use it effectively:

  • You need to download and install the Dota 7.90 AI Map file from a reliable source. You can find it on various websites and forums dedicated to Dota 2 custom maps, such as or Make sure you download the latest version of the map, which is currently 7.90c.

  • You need to move the Dota 7.90 AI Map file to the correct folder on your computer. The folder location depends on your operating system and where you installed Dota 2. Here are some common examples:

  • Windows: C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\dota 2 beta\game\dota\maps

  • Mac: /Users//Library/Application Support/Steam/steamapps/common/dota 2 beta/game/dota/maps

  • Linux: /.steam/steam/steamapps/common/dota 2 beta/game/dota/maps

  • You need to launch Dota 2 from Steam as usual.

  • You need to create or join a custom game lobby by clicking on Play Dota, then Custom Games.

  • You need to select DotA Allstars from the list of available custom games.

  • You need to select Dota 7.90 AI Map from the right side of the screen.

  • You need to invite your friends or join a public lobby if you want to play online.

  • You need to start the game once you have enough players in your lobby (at least two).

  • You need to choose your hero and team as usual.

  • You need to change some settings by clicking on Options if you want to customize your game.

  • You need to play the game and enjoy!

These are some basic steps on how to use Dota 7.90 AI Map effectively. You can find more details and instructions by typing -help in the chat box during the game.


Dota 7.90 AI Map is a custom map for Dota 2 that allows you to play against computer-controlled opponents with various levels of difficulty and settings. It is a great way to practice and improve your skills with Dota 2, as well as to have fun and relax. It has many features and benefits that make it a unique and enjoyable experience for Dota 2 players.

In this article, we have told you why Dota 7.90 AI Map is the best way to practice and improve your skills, and how to use it effectively. We have also given you some tips on how to customize it to suit your preferences and goals. We hope you have found this article helpful and informative. If you have any questions or feedback, please feel free to leave a comment below. Thank you for reading! d282676c82


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