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Ruben Gatewood
Ruben Gatewood

Why You Should Try Paint Tool SAI for Free Today

How to Download Paint Tool SAI for Free in 2016: A Complete Guide

If you are looking for a high quality and lightweight painting software, you might want to try Paint Tool SAI. This software is popular among digital artists, especially those who create cartoons and anime. In this article, we will show you how to download Paint Tool SAI for free in 2016, and how to use its basic features.

Paint tool sai free download full version 2016

What is Paint Tool SAI?

Paint Tool SAI is a graphic design software developed by SYSTEMAX Software Development. It has a simple but powerful user interface that allows you to create amazing digital artworks with ease. Some of the features of Paint Tool SAI are:

  • Fully digitizer support with pressure sensitivity.

  • Amazing anti-aliased drawings with smooth edges.

  • Highly accurate composition with 16bit ARGB channels.

  • Simple but powerful tools for painting, drawing, and editing.

  • Data protection function to avoid data loss due to bugs or crashes.

Paint Tool SAI is compatible with Windows XP/Vista/7/8/8.1/10/11, and supports Wintab compatible digitizers. However, it does not support high DPI monitors, and you may need to change your screen resolution to use it properly.

How to Download Paint Tool SAI for Free in 2016?

Paint Tool SAI is not a free software, but you can download a trial version for 31 days from the official website. The trial version has all the functions of the full version, except that it disables the file open/save functions after the trial period expires. Therefore, you should save your work frequently and export it to other formats before the trial ends.

To download Paint Tool SAI for free in 2016, follow these steps:

  • Go to the official website of Paint Tool SAI and click on the "Download" link.

  • Read and accept the software license agreement and click on the "Download" button again.

  • Save the installer file (sai-1.2.5-ful-en.exe) on your computer and run it.

  • Follow the instructions on the screen to install Paint Tool SAI on your computer. The default installation folder is C:\PaintToolSAI.

  • Launch Paint Tool SAI from the Start menu or the desktop shortcut.

Congratulations! You have successfully downloaded Paint Tool SAI for free in 2016. Now you can start creating your own digital artworks with this software.

How to Use Paint Tool SAI for Free in 2016?

Now that you have downloaded Paint Tool SAI for free in 2016, you may wonder how to use it to create your own digital artworks. In this section, we will give you a brief overview of the main tools and functions of Paint Tool SAI.

The Canvas

The canvas is the area where you draw your artwork. You can create a new canvas by clicking on the "File" menu and selecting "New". A dialog box will appear where you can choose the size, resolution, and color mode of your canvas. You can also open an existing image file by clicking on the "File" menu and selecting "Open".

You can zoom in and out of the canvas by using the mouse wheel or the slider at the bottom right corner. You can also rotate the canvas by holding down the spacebar and dragging the mouse. To reset the canvas orientation, press the "R" key.

The Tools

The tools are located on the left side of the screen. They are divided into two categories: drawing tools and selection tools. The drawing tools are used to create and edit your artwork, while the selection tools are used to select parts of your artwork for further manipulation.

The drawing tools include:

  • The Pencil tool: This tool is used to draw thin lines with hard edges. You can adjust the size and opacity of the pencil by using the sliders at the top.

  • The Brush tool: This tool is used to draw smooth lines with soft edges. You can adjust the size, opacity, blending, and pressure of the brush by using the sliders at the top.

  • The Airbrush tool: This tool is used to spray color on the canvas with a soft gradient. You can adjust the size, opacity, density, and pressure of the airbrush by using the sliders at the top.

  • The Watercolor tool: This tool is used to simulate watercolor painting on the canvas. You can adjust the size, opacity, blending, persistence, and diffusion of the watercolor by using the sliders at the top.

  • The Marker tool: This tool is used to draw thick lines with flat colors. You can adjust the size, opacity, blending, and pressure of the marker by using the sliders at the top.

  • The Eraser tool: This tool is used to erase parts of your artwork. You can adjust the size and opacity of the eraser by using the sliders at the top. You can also choose which drawing tool to mimic by clicking on the icon next to the eraser icon.

  • The Bucket tool: This tool is used to fill an enclosed area with a solid color. You can adjust the opacity and tolerance of the bucket by using the sliders at the top.

  • The Color Picker tool: This tool is used to pick a color from your canvas or from a color palette. You can switch between foreground and background colors by pressing the "X" key.

The selection tools include:

  • The Magic Wand tool: This tool is used to select an area of similar color on your canvas. You can adjust the tolerance and contiguous mode of the magic wand by using the sliders at the top.

  • The Lasso tool: This tool is used to select an area by drawing a freehand outline around it. You can switch between polygonal and curved modes by pressing the "Shift" key.

  • The Square Selection tool: This tool is used to select a rectangular area on your canvas. You can switch between normal and fixed modes by pressing the "Shift" key.

  • The Move/Transform Selection tool: This tool is used to move or transform your selection. You can drag your selection to move it, or use the handles around it to resize, rotate, or skew it.

  • The Deselect/Invert Selection tool: This tool is used to deselect or invert your selection. You can click on an empty area to deselect your selection, or click on your selection to invert it.

The Layers

The layers are located on the right side of the screen. They are used to organize your artwork into different parts that can be edited separately. You can create, delete, duplicate, merge, and rename layers by using the buttons at the bottom of the layer panel. You can also change the order, visibility, opacity, and blending mode of each layer by using the options at the top of the layer panel.

There are two types of layers in Paint Tool SAI: raster layers and vector layers. Raster layers are composed of pixels, and they are suitable for painting and drawing with various tools. Vector layers are composed of paths, and they are suitable for creating smooth lines and shapes with the pen tool. You can switch between raster and vector layers by clicking on the icons next to the layer name.

The Color Palette

The color palette is located on the right side of the screen, below the layer panel. It is used to store and select colors for your artwork. You can add colors to your palette by clicking on an empty slot and choosing a color from the color wheel or the color mixer. You can also edit or delete colors from your palette by right-clicking on a slot and selecting an option from the menu.

You can save your color palette as a file by clicking on the "File" menu and selecting "Export Color Set". You can also load a color palette from a file by clicking on the "File" menu and selecting "Import Color Set". This way, you can use your favorite colors for different artworks.

The Gallery

The gallery is located on the right side of the screen, above the color palette. It is used to store and manage your artworks. You can add artworks to your gallery by clicking on the "File" menu and selecting "Save As". A dialog box will appear where you can choose a name, a format, and a location for your artwork. You can also open artworks from your gallery by clicking on the "File" menu and selecting "Open".

You can view your artworks as thumbnails or as a list by clicking on the icons at the top of the gallery panel. You can also sort your artworks by name, date, size, or type by clicking on the headers of the list view. You can also rename, delete, or move your artworks by right-clicking on them and selecting an option from the menu.

The Shortcuts

Paint Tool SAI has many keyboard shortcuts that can help you speed up your workflow and access various functions quickly. Here are some of the most useful shortcuts:

  • Ctrl+Z: Undo the last action.

  • Ctrl+Y: Redo the last action.

  • Ctrl+C: Copy the selection or the entire canvas.

  • Ctrl+V: Paste the copied content.

  • Ctrl+X: Cut the selection or the entire canvas.

  • Ctrl+A: Select the entire canvas.

  • Ctrl+D: Deselect the selection.

  • Ctrl+S: Save the current artwork.

  • Ctrl+O: Open an existing artwork.

  • Ctrl+N: Create a new canvas.

  • Ctrl+T: Transform the selection.

  • Ctrl+G: Group layers.

  • Ctrl+E: Merge layers.

  • Ctrl+L: Flip layers horizontally.

  • Ctrl+R: Rotate layers 90 degrees clockwise.

  • [ and ]: Decrease and increase brush size.

  • and : Decrease and increase brush opacity.

The Benefits of Paint Tool SAI

Paint Tool SAI is a great software for digital artists who want to create stunning artworks with ease. Here are some of the benefits of using Paint Tool SAI:

  • It is lightweight and fast, so it does not consume much of your computer resources or slow down your performance.

It has a simple and intuitive user interface, so you can learn how to use it quickly and access all the functions you n


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